The asking, the telling and the listening are how we practice the art of trust.

Quote by Mark Nepo from his book: You Don’t Have To Do It Alone. The Power Of Friendship


  • Is there someone you are having trust issues with?
  • Is there someone you know has trust issues with you?
  • Can you apply these practices… asking, telling and /or listening to build/rebuild trust?


Pseudopolydesmus serratus

The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places.

 Quote by Ernest Hemingway from:  A Farewell to Arms


  • What breaks have happened to you?
  • How are you stronger because of them?
  • Is there something that is “breaking”  you now?  How can you look at it through a new lens of it making you stronger?
  • Explore this reframe.


Screech Owl popping out for a visit

The simplest way to clarify your thinking is to write a full page about whatever you are dealing with and then delete everything except the one or two sentences that explain it best.

From:  James Clear’s weekly blog: 3-2-1 Thursday


  • Are you struggling to gain clarity on something?
  • Try this… write about it then pick out one or two sentences that clarify it in a nutshell.
  • Let me know how it worked out.