The grain, indeed, has to die in order to bear fruit and when you dare to stand in your suffering, your life will bear fruit in ways that are far beyond your own predictions or understanding. 

Quote by Henri Nouwen


  • Suffering is inescapable.  What suffering have you endured that has harvested some fruit?
  • Is there a suffering you are enduring now that you can consider through a new lens… a benefit beyond your current understanding?


The people I distrust the most are those who want to improve our lives but have only one course of action in mind.

Quote by Frank Herbert


  • Do you think there is only one way of doing something?
  • Are you open to new possibilities?
  • Try something new today… take another course of action.  What happens??



It’s negative when we say someone is out of control.  They’ve lost their self-restraint, and they’re doing things that they’ll regret later.  And it’s honest when we acknowledge that just about everything is out of our control.  We can work to influence it, we can practice accepting it, but any time we’re engaging with others or with the future, we’re not completely in charge.  Control is elusive.  If we accept the parts that are out of our hands, we can focus on the elements where we have leverage and influence instead. 

Seth Godin’s Daily Blog – Out Of Control


  • Where in your life do you feel “out of control?”
  • Where can you shift your focus?
  • Where do you have leverage and influence – start there.