We can wrestle with a challenge or a problem and find energy and possibility while doing it.

And we can dance with someone else as we seek a mutual way forward.

Fighting tends to be more brutal, final and hurtful than is often productive.  You don’t want to spend your days fighting.

Words matter.

FROM:  Seth Godin’s Daily Blog


  • Do you tend to wrestle, dance or fight with a challenge or a problem?
  • If you tend to fight, how is that working for you?
  • Consider a situation you are currently challenged by.  How can you dance… find a mutual way forward?
  • Remember – your words matter.  Choose wisely.


Watch out for each other. Love everyone and forgive everyone, including yourself.  Forgive your anger.  Forgive your guilt.  Your shame.  Your sadness. Embrace and open up your love, your joy, your truth, and most especially your heart. 

Quote by Jim Henson


  • WHAT IF… you could live these words.  How would your life change?
  • It is often difficult to forgive another and even more difficult to forgive yourself.  That little gremlin voice often has a large presence. 
  • Can you forgive yourself and open up to your love, joy and your heart?
  • Take a step towards that today.


There are two core fears: losing what you have, and not getting what you want. 

There is one solution: falling in love with where you are.

Quote by Jeff Foster


  • What fears do you have?  Do they fall into one of the two buckets: losing what you have or not getting what you want?
  • How can you fall in love with now- embrace where you are?