All the greatest and most important problems of life are fundamentally insoluble…. They can never be solved, but only outgrown….      

Source: Collected Works of C.G. Jung


  • What insoluble problems are you facing now?
  • Are you looking for a recipe to fix a life problem… Want to have it figured out…have answers and action steps?
  • What if this dilemma is calling you to grow?
  • Is there an important life problem that you realize you have outgrown?  What is it? Can it serve as a model for you going forward?


Luck isn’t a gift box that is placed in front of your door.  Luck is a train that goes by and never stops.  The “lucky ones” are those who know how to reach out and grab hold of a car and take this moving train.  There are always trains that pass us by…

Quote from FEMME DE CHAMPAGNE by Carol Duval-Leroy


  • Do you think others are just “lucky ones”?
  • Do you think luck should just be placed at your front door?
  • If luck is grabbing on to a moving train, what train do you want to grab onto?