Taste varies.  That’s why we don’t call it utility.  Taste is individual preference, not absolute truth.  In team settings, then it’s much more helpful to say,”I prefer this over that,” instead of, “this is wrong.”  Some things are wrong.  There are standards that we can all accept when it comes to utility, efficiency and even beauty.  Your authority doesn’t lie in your ability to be the sole arbiter of an accepted constant.  Instead, we’re listening to hear about your personal preferences.  When we try to turn our taste into a universal standard, we shut down the creators around. 

FROM:  Seth Godin’s Daily Blog


  • Do you tend to think you have the “right” answer?  Things should be done “your way because it is ‘better’.
  • Recognizing this shuts down the creative spark, how can you shift … alter the words you offer to another?
  • Try saying… “I prefer this over that” and see what happens.

Beginner… Master

The beginner chases the right answers.

The master chases the right questions.

FROM:  James Clear: 3-2-1 THURSDAY Blog


  • Do you offer answers/solutions to others?
  • Do you ask good, thought provoking questions of self and others?
  • What is a question you can ask instead of providing an answer today…


Holding On For Dear Life

That’s a cliche from the movies.  Dangling from a railroad bridge, only determination and firm grip can save the hero.  In our modern world, we often end up holding on to ideas, to grievances or to our view of the world.  Ironically, the harder we hold on to the things we’re hiding from, the less dear our life becomes.  Perhaps we could let go for dear life instead.

Seth Godin’s Blog


  • What ideas, grievances, views of the world are you holding on to for dear life?
  • Are they serving you?
  • What do you need to let go of for dear life?