Live out your imagination, not your history.

Quote by Stephen Covey


  • Do you focus on the past?
  • What do you imagine is possible or dream about?
  • What steps can you take steps to live out your imagination to become more alive… present to the now?
  • What do you need to let go of?
  • How will you move forward today?


If you want to find happiness, find gratitude.

Quote by Steve Maraboli



  • Gratitude is the key to happiness.
  • What are you grateful for today?
  • Make a list… as long as you can make it of all the things you are grateful for!


Jaume Plensa, Behind the Walls, 2019, installed at Rockefeller Center, bronze white painted, 7.5 MT, New York © Jaume Plensa Studio/Christopher Burke Studio

When electricity came along, there was a swath of industries that were trapped in an old way of thinking.  The only ones that thrived were able to walk away from what they used to do and eagerly embrace something new. When the internet was young, the major book publishers had everything they needed to create a dominant search engine.  After all, they were in the business of organizing the world’s information.  With just one exception, they didn’t even consider it  That’s because they believed that their job was to sell books to bookstores.  This is even more urgent for individuals.  What you were trained to do, what you did yesterday…. that’s a gift from your past, not an obligation.  Beginning the analysis with, “what I used to do was….” is a great way to open the door to what you’re going to do tomorrow.

FROM:  Seth Godin’s Daily Blog


  • Are you stuck in “I used to _____” thinking?
  • Are you a continuous learner? 
  • Are you willing go beyond what you were trained to do?
  • What is something new you can learn?