- Post author:Anne
- Post published:February 2, 2024
- Post category:THE DAILY SPARK

I am learning to trust stuckness as a vital and necessary stage of evolution. I didn’t always. In fact, sometimes I still forget to trust my stuckness. You know what I mean by stuckness…. that uncomfortable, icky place that feels like nowhere, nothing… where you can remember what it used to feel like to be connected…. to others… to yourself.. to spirit… to your purpose. But in the stuckness all you feel is disconnect.
What if you simply allowed the stuckness, for a bit? Instead of resisting it, squirming in it, wishing things were the way they used to be, what if you decided to view the stuckness as a resting place instead of a black hole?
What if you trusted the stuckness as a stage, an essential stage in your life’s grand plan?
What if you simply cut yourself some slack? Take a look outside. The trees have shed their leaves, releasing their past, standing naked, seemingly barren.
Do you think less of the tree in the wintertime, because it’s not producing blooms or leaves?
The tree trusts its fallow stage, for it knows that deep below, where its roots burrow into the earth, there is magic happening.
There is growth and change and evolution that we don’t see… The trees must experience their fallow time, in order to give us spring.
I think many of us are afraid that if we surrender to the stuckness, we’ll get swallowed up, forever fallow, lost in the darkness… We are so terrified of the darkness. We are so resistant to the stuckness.
What if you trusted your fallow time, and simply embraced it as a season? Know that that seasons always change, and after the winter comes the spring, in all its brilliance, vibrancy, color and celebration.
What if you truly accepted the fact that the stuckness was preparation for the unstuckness, the dark is preparation for the dawn? Winter is preparation for the spring.
And whether you feel it or not, there is magic happening, even in your stuckness.
Poem by Lisa Carmen
- Well, I’m sharing this poem (I know, a long one) because I need to be reminded that I need to trust this fallow time. I am feeling stuck. This reminder that magic is happening even as I am feeling that icky place.
- Are you feeling the winter blues?
- Are you willing to surrender to this season and embrace the fallow time – with a faith that the spring in all it color is coming.
- Can you cut yourself some slack?