Only in peace do we have joy. Not by acquiring things. Not by doing things. Not by earning or learning. Not by reaching a position. But by dedication. Without peace there is no joy and without dedication there is no peace.

Quote by Swami Satchidananda


  • Have you ever wanted something… thinking that would be “the answer” only to have that replaced by another desire?
  • Have you been reaching for another rung on the ladder of success?
  • Do you want to: have more… do more – yet still not finding peace.
  • How can you embrace more peace and get more joy in your life?


It is in the shelter of each other that the people live.

An Irish Proverb


  • How do you choose to be with others?
  • What is the quality of respect and care you show for another?
  • We are all interconnected.  What kind of shelter do you offer for yourself? For others?
  • What conditions are required for that shelter?  Can you offer it to another?


DEER watching my every move!

You must take the ultimate responsibility for maintaining a peaceful existence.  When you encounter a disruptive individual or situation you have two choices:

One, you can become upset, get angry, and lose your peace.

Two, you can laugh at how this perfect universe has again tested your tranquility with this amusing set of occurrences. 

When you have encompassed peace, your choice will be easy.

FROM:  ABOUT PEACE by Scott Shaw


  • Is there an individual or situation that is disrupting your peace?
  • Can you see you have a choice as to how to respond?  Are you reacting?
  • Can you choose a different response?
  • Response invites a space to view the situation differently versus a knee jerk reaction.
  • Choose wisely, your peace depends on it!