“Whatever truth we find compelled to withhold, no matter how unthinkable it is to imagine ourselves telling it, not to is a way of spiritually holding our breath.”
From: Book of Awakening by Mark Nepo
Is there a truth you have been withholding?
Are you ready to share it? Think about it and make sure you are prepared.
As the Bible saying goes, “The Truth will set you free.” When ready, take this bold step and breathe!
Learning is slowed less by lack of intelligence than by reluctance to let go of bankrupt ideas and exhausted ways of seeing. The object of your blame will always prove to be less of an obstacle than your decision to blame.
What bankrupt ideas have you been holding on to?
Is there an object of your blame?
Are you willing to see them differently? How can you do that?
Beware of hating the man who hates. Remember that you are here to help him lift off his yoke, not to boast that you stagger under one of a nobler design.
Quote from: The Little Book of Forgiveness by D. Patrick Miller
With so much divisiveness, whether it be political or in a relationships with family, friends or neighbors, how can you help someone lift the yoke of hatred toward you or another?
Write about a time you were able to bridge a divide with another person or group.
Take some time and reflect on the other person’s perspective. How can you understand that viewpoint? If appropriate engage in a dialogue with that person to find common ground and greater understanding.