CHANGE… PROGRESS… Post author:Anne Post published:August 28, 2023 Post category:THE DAILY SPARK Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything. Quote by George Bernard Shaw REFLECTION:Are there changes you need to make?Are you willing to change… your mind… your actions… your habits?What changes do you need to make to further progress?What step will you make today to move forward?
WHEN IN DOUBT… Post author:Anne Post published:August 25, 2023 Post category:THE DAILY SPARK When someone acts in a surprising way, we can begin to understand by wondering what they might be afraid of. Quote by Seth Godin from his daily blog. REFLECTION:Is there someone who is behaving out of the ordinary (or what you expect of them?)Reflect: could they be coming from a place of fear?How does this perspective shift how you approach them?
TRY AGAIN Post author:Anne Post published:August 23, 2023 Post category:THE DAILY SPARK Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I’ll try again tomorrow. Quote by Mary Anne Radmacher REFLECTION:Are you trying to summon courage, believing it is a big and bold?Is there a little voice encouraging you to try again… today? tomorrow?