Amy Dickinson in her final column ‘offers “scripts” for people who have asked me for the right words to say and so I thought I would boil these down to some of the most important statements I believe anyone can make. They are:
I need help.
I’m sorry.
I forgive you.
I love you, just as you are.
I’m on your side.
You’re safe.
You are no alone.’
Amy Dickinson – has offered advice on her syndicated column, ASK AMY for more than two decades. She is leaving this seven-day-a -week commitment – because she wants to. This is one of several pieces of “final advice” she shares.
I think these words say it all… imagine how much better your relationships (with yourself and others) would be if you put these scripts into action on a daily basis… even weekly ?
Amy Dickinson reflects on lessons learned as she shows herself the door…
Recognize and detach from your own need to control someone else.
Respect boundaries – yours and others.
Seek the counsel of people who are wiser than you are. Ask their advice, and listen.
Amy Dickinson – has offered advice on her syndicated column, ASK AMY for more than two decades. She is leaving this seven-day-a -week commitment – because she wants to. This is one of several pieces of “final advice” she shares.
Are you controlling? Can you let go and allow others their journey/lessons?
Do you respect your boundaries? Do you respect others boundaries?
Have you asked for counsel from a person you think is wiser than you? Did you listen to their advice? Is there someone you need to contact today to seek their advice?