‘As long as I keep running about asking “Do you love me?   Do you really love me?”  I give all power to the voices of the world and put myself in bondage because the world is filled with “ifs.”  The world says: “Yes, I love you if you are good-looking, intelligent and wealthy.  I love you if you have a good education, a good job, and good connections.  I love you if you produce much, sell much, buy much.”  There are endless “ifs” hidden in the world’s love.  These “ifs” enslave me, since it is impossible to respond adequately to all of them.  The world’s love is and always will be conditional.  As long as I keep looking for my true self in the world of conditional love, I will remain “hooked” to the world – trying, failing, and trying again.  It is a world that fosters addictions because what it offers cannot satisfy the deepest craving of my heart.’

Quote by Henri Nouwen

Henri Jozef Machiel Nouwen (1932- 1996) was a Dutch Catholic priest, professor, writer and theologian. His interests were rooted primarily in psychology, pastoral ministry, spirituality, social justice and community. 


  • What “ifs” are part of your criteria for loving?
  • What is the deepest craving of your heart?
  • Write about it…. and when ready share with a loved one, a close friend.


VAN GOGH "The Church at Auvers-sur-Oise, 1890"

“That’s how culture perpetuates injustice and indignity.  Because that’s just the way things are around here.  But the status quo isn’t permanent.  The world doesn’t stay the way it was.  It changes.  And it’s been changing faster than ever.  It doesn’t change because the status quo sub-committee has a meeting and decided to change it.  It changes when someone decides that the way things are around here needs to change, and simply and bravely begins to do something differently.  And then someone else follows along.  Yes, it bends toward justice.  But only if we help.  Only if we lead.”

Quote by Seth Godin from his daily Blog.


  • Is there a “status quo” you have been tolerating?
  • Is there something you decided needs to change?
  • How can you “bravely begin to do something differently?”
  • How can you help?  How can you lead?


“For as long as space endures and for as long as living beings remain, until then may I too abide to dispel the misery in the world.”

PRAYER by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama.  He has said he says this prayer sometime 100 times a day. 

The 14th Dalai Lama, known as Gyalwa Rinpoche to the Tibetan people, is the current Dalai Lama, the highest spiritual leader of Tibet, and a retired political leader of the nation. His teachings are about peace of mind, holiness and love. (source Wikipedia)


  • Do you have a “prayer” or a mantra you repeat throughout the day?  What is it?  Is it positive?
  • If  you could create a prayer or mantra, what would it be?
  • Try creating one or perhaps find one that resonates with you to shift your energy to make you better and the world better.
  • Try it on… saying it as often as needed to support you.