Find out what a person fears most, and that is where he will develop next.

Quote by Carl Jung


  • Fear is a strong emotion – perhaps the strongest one that holds us back.  We have a tendency to avoid or escape what what we fear the most. Yet that is where the growth is.
  • What are you afraid of?
  • Is there something you try to escape from or do whatever to avoid?  
  • What is one thing you can do to step into the fear… develop yourself?


EVERYBODY needs SOMEBODY who believe in them more than they believe in themselves.

Quote by Pastor Mark Batterson

National Community Church- Washington DC


  • Do you have someone who believe in you more than you believe in yourself?
  • How can you embrace this vision of you more deply?
  • Is there someone who needs you to tell them of their worth… that you believe in them?
  • Communicate that… write, call, text, meet for coffee…


Arbitrary damaging labels have the power to turn the brightest people into meek shadows of their potential selves.

Quote by Adam Alter  -Adam Alter is a marketing author who also teaches at New York University Stern School of Business.


  • What label have others put on you?  Do you like that label? Is it true?
  • What label have you put on others?  Is it true?
  • Is there a “label” you can create for yourself or another that can encourage yours or another’s highest potential?
  • What is the “new” label?