There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it. 

Quote by Edith Wharton, “Vesalius in Zante,” 1902


  • Do you tend to be a candle or a mirror?
  • Sometimes you need to be the one to help reflect the light.
  • Sometimes you need to be a candle…yet, to give off light you may need help to light the wick… 
  • Do you know when to be a candle and when to be the mirror?


Two souls, alas, are housed within my breast and each will wrestle for THE mastery there.

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe quote from the play FAUST


  • Many are challenged by dualistic dilemmas between spiritual longing and desires – aspirations, drive, material wealth, things.
  • Do you wrestle with two souls(selfs)? Which one do you feed?
  • Is that working for you?