Thoughts... wishes, mementos...what to leave behind along the Portuguese Camino
Swinging with the wind
Fighting the shadow
I walk towards the sun
I gain a new life!
Swinging with the wind
Fighting the shadow
I am guided by the sun
In the search for meaning
On the journey that is life.
Swinging with the wind
Fighting the shadow
I walk towards the sun
I decide my life
Swinging with the wind
Fighting the shadow
I walk towards the sun
Searching for a meaning.
Poem by Diogo Macedo – found on the Portuguese Camino in the town of Macieira de Rates
I had the good fortune to walk the Portuguese Caminho de Santiago. While walking I found this poem. It provided me an opportunity to reflect on my life, it’s meaning and purpose.
Have you given yourself permission to explore your life… your life’s meaning… a possible new life for yourself?
“The perfectionist is never satisfied. The perfectionist never says,’This is pretty good. I think I’ll just keep going.’ To the perfectionist, there is always room for improvement. The perfectionist call this humility. In reality, it is egotism. It is pride that makes us want to write a perfect script, paint a perfect painting, perform a perfect audition monologue. Perfectionism is not a quest for the best. It is a pursuit of the worst in ourselves, the part that tells us that nothing we do will ever be good enough – that we should try again. No. We should not.”
Quote by Julia Cameron – The Artist’s Way
Do you have perfectionist tendencies?
Can you see how those could be viewed as egotism?… pursuing the worst of ourselves?
“Do things for your own satisfaction. Consider praise from others to be a bonus. If you don’t work for their validation in the first place, you won’t need it to feel satisfied once it’s done.”
Quote by James Clear and his blog- Thursdays 3-2-1
Do you seek the approval of others to feel validated?
What if you could believe in yourself without others approval? How would that shift your life?
Acknowledge your gifts and talents today. Validate yourself!