“Don’t wish me happiness.  I don’t expect to be happy all the time…  It’s gotten beyond that somehow.  Wish me courage and strength and a sense of humor.  I will need them all.”

Quote by Anne Morrow Lindbergh


  • Do you seek happiness?  I think human nature is to believe we need to be happy….  What if you could wish for courage and strength instead?
  • How would more courage and strength alter your life?
  • What if you could find a sense of humor in you daily living?  How would that change your perspective?
  • I wish you courage, strength and a sense of humor going forward today!


All purchases involve a decision.  Yes or no, this or that, now or later…  But it ‘s helpful to realize that all decisions involve a purchase. When we decide to spend time or take a risk or make a commitment, our brains act in a way very similar to how we choose to make a purchase.  When you invite someone to follow along or introduce a new sort of behavior, you’re actually selling.  Finding empathy to treat it like a purchase is worth the effort.  Even if it doesn’t cost money.  Especially then!

FROM: Seth Godin’s blog


  • When trying to get someone to follow you, do you treat it as a purchase decision or Moses with the tablets?
  • How can you find a new way to “sell” and idea you are hoping someone will”buy?”
  • Can you embrace more empathy … make it worth the effort?


The secret is not to find the meaning of life, but to use your life to make things that are meaningful.

Quote by James Clear from his 3-2-1 Thursday Blog


  • What meaningful things have you done in your life?
  • What remains to be done to make a meaningful contribution to humankind?
  • What action can you take today?