i am interested in the kind of people who have walked a few miles on rugged ground.  who have felt the earth tremble beneath their feet and somehow kept going.  i am interested in the kind of people who have lines around their mouths and lines around their eyes from hardship and love and loss and lacking.  i am interested in the kind of  people who have had to fight for something.  who did not feel beautiful once but came to understand that radiance is knit from the strands of the soul within.  i am interested in the kind of people who have had to hurt. and hope. and heal. who learned the hard way.  who chose resilience.  who never knew the kind of strength that comes along when you have nowhere else to look but – up.

Poem by ullie-kaye


  • What kind of person are you?  Have you walked a few miles on rugged ground?
  • Have you dealt with loss and hardship and lack? 
  • How has that shaped you?
  • Are you looking UP?
  • What kind of people are you interested in? (“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with” quote by Jim Rohn)… Are you with the right tribe?


Nobody really talks about this but, once you start healing past traumas and your body comes out of “fight or flight” mode your body will crave a lot of rest and silence.  Your body finally starts to feel safe in the peace and quiet.  The calm.  You aren’t lazy.  Your body is just catching up on all the years it didn’t have this stillness.  You. Deserve. This.

Quote from consciousreminder.com  https://www.instagram.com/consciousreminder/


  • Are you craving more rest and silence?
  • Have past traumas left you in fight or flight mode?
  • Is it time to give your body time to experience peace and quiet.. calmness?
  • Give yourself permission to be still.  YOU. DESERVE. THIS!


When you avoid a hard conversation, you’re taking on a debt that has to be repaid (with interest) at a date in the future. 

Time doesn’t heal anything when it comes to relationships.  Make the minor repairs along the way and you’ll avoid the major repairs later on.

You success in life is proportional to the number of hard conversations you’re willing to have.

Quote by Sahil Bloom


  • Are you willing to have “hard conversations?”
  • Have you avoided a much needed conversation?  Have you found the avoidance will require major repairs?
  • Is there a relationship… a “hard conversation” you need to have with someone?
  • What minor repairs can you offer today with a conversation?